niedziela, 19 kwietnia 2015

Bela Gelbard wyprowadza psa na Siennej 1941

Sienna Street has several popular personalities. One of the favorites is Mrs. Bela Gelbard, a tall, plumpish, smart-looking woman with smooth black hair, lightly streaked with gray. She walks slowly, trying to adapt her pace to the tiny steps of her black pet dog. Every day at the same hour she walks this animal, sometimes surrounded by the students of our school, in whom she is particularly interested as she is a patroness of the arts. She carries on lively discussions with them and feels young among young people, although she is nearly fifty.
                                                                                     The diry of Mary Berg, Oxford 2009, s. 111

Wieczorem mogliście tam spotkać wymalowane, eleganckie panie, spokojnie przechadzające się z pieskami, jakby nie było wojny. Nie było tu ciasnoty, rejwachu, nerwowości getta. Słowem, wyspa spokoju i przedwojennego dostatku w getcie.
E. Ringelblum, Kronika getta warszawskiego. Wrzesień 1939-styczeń 1943, tłum. Adam Rutkowski, s. 324

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